If government and extractive industries have their way, the Peruvian rainforest and its people will suffer massive devastation, with disastrous consequences for the global climate.
Sign the urgent petition below and support the courageous struggle of the indigenous peoples to protect the Amazon -- a prominent and well respected Latin American politician will deliver it to President Alan Garcia on our behalf.
Petition to the President of Peru, Alan Garcia:
We urge you to immediately cease the forceful suppression of indigenous protests, to suspend laws that open up the Amazon to extractive industries, and to engage in a genuine dialogue with indigenous groups to end the conflict and address their legitimate demands and rights.
Peru has suffered violent clashes between indigenous groups desperately trying to protect the Amazon and the government, who has pushed through legislation allowing intensive mining, logging and large scale farming in the rainforest.
I just signed a petition urging President Alan García to immediately cease the suppression of indigenous protests, to suspend laws that open up the Amazon to extractive industries, and to engage in a genuine dialogue with the indigenous groups.
Click on the link below to support the campaign:
Dear friends,
The Peruvian government has pushed through legislation that could allow extractive and large-scale farming companies to rapidly destroy their Amazon rainforest.
Indigenous peoples have peacefully protested for two months demanding their lawful say in decrees that will contribute to the devastation of the Amazon's ecology and peoples, and be disastrous for the global climate. But last weekend President Garcia responded: sending in special forces to suppress protests in violent clashes, and labelling the protesters as terrorists.
These indigenous groups are on the frontline of the struggle to protect our earth -- Let's stand with them and call on President Alan Garcia (who is widely known to be sensitive to his international reputation) to immediately stop the violence and open up dialogue. Click below to sign the urgent global petition and a prominent and well-respected Latin-American politician will deliver it to the government on our behalf.
More than 70 per cent of the Peruvian Amazon is now up for grabs. Giant oil and gas companies, like the Anglo-French Perenco and the North Americans ConocoPhillips and Talisman Energy, have already pledged multi-billionaire investments in the region. These extractive industries have a very poor record of bringing benefits to local people and preserving the environment in developing countries - which is why indigenous groups are asking for internationally-recognized rights to consultation on the new laws.
For decades the world and indigenous peoples have watched as extractive industries devastated the rainforest that is home to some and a vital treasure to us all (some climate scientists call the Amazon the "lungs of the planet" - breathing in the carbon emissions that cause global warming and producing oxygen).
The protests in Peru are the biggest yet and the most desperate, we can't afford to let them fail. Sign the petition, and encourage your friends and family to join us, so we can help bring justice to the indigenous peoples of Peru and prevent further acts of violence from all parties.
In solidarity,
Luis, Paula, Alice, Ricken, Graziela, Ben, Brett, Iain, Pascal, Raj, Taren and the entire Avaaz team.
# Civilians and police killed: Human rights lawyers accuse the government of a cover-up, BBC, 10 June:
# Civil Society Condemns Massacre of Indigenous People in Peru, 8 June:
# On Peru's rift over economic policy and the controversial free trade agreement with the US , Reuters, 9 June:
# Research Article: Oil and Gas Projects in the Western Amazon: Threats to Wilderness, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Peoples, M. Finer et al:
# Oil companies ‘should withdraw’ as Peru ‘faces its Tiananmen’, Survival International, 8 June:
# Peru's Amazon oil deals denounced, BBC News, 3 February:
We urge you to immediately cease the forceful suppression of indigenous protests, to suspend laws that open up the Amazon to extractive industries, and to engage in a genuine dialogue with indigenous groups to end the conflict and address their legitimate demands and rights.
Peru has suffered violent clashes between indigenous groups desperately trying to protect the Amazon and the government, who has pushed through legislation allowing intensive mining, logging and large scale farming in the rainforest.
I just signed a petition urging President Alan García to immediately cease the suppression of indigenous protests, to suspend laws that open up the Amazon to extractive industries, and to engage in a genuine dialogue with the indigenous groups.
Click on the link below to support the campaign:
Dear friends,
The Peruvian government has pushed through legislation that could allow extractive and large-scale farming companies to rapidly destroy their Amazon rainforest.
Indigenous peoples have peacefully protested for two months demanding their lawful say in decrees that will contribute to the devastation of the Amazon's ecology and peoples, and be disastrous for the global climate. But last weekend President Garcia responded: sending in special forces to suppress protests in violent clashes, and labelling the protesters as terrorists.
These indigenous groups are on the frontline of the struggle to protect our earth -- Let's stand with them and call on President Alan Garcia (who is widely known to be sensitive to his international reputation) to immediately stop the violence and open up dialogue. Click below to sign the urgent global petition and a prominent and well-respected Latin-American politician will deliver it to the government on our behalf.
More than 70 per cent of the Peruvian Amazon is now up for grabs. Giant oil and gas companies, like the Anglo-French Perenco and the North Americans ConocoPhillips and Talisman Energy, have already pledged multi-billionaire investments in the region. These extractive industries have a very poor record of bringing benefits to local people and preserving the environment in developing countries - which is why indigenous groups are asking for internationally-recognized rights to consultation on the new laws.
For decades the world and indigenous peoples have watched as extractive industries devastated the rainforest that is home to some and a vital treasure to us all (some climate scientists call the Amazon the "lungs of the planet" - breathing in the carbon emissions that cause global warming and producing oxygen).
The protests in Peru are the biggest yet and the most desperate, we can't afford to let them fail. Sign the petition, and encourage your friends and family to join us, so we can help bring justice to the indigenous peoples of Peru and prevent further acts of violence from all parties.
In solidarity,
Luis, Paula, Alice, Ricken, Graziela, Ben, Brett, Iain, Pascal, Raj, Taren and the entire Avaaz team.
# Civilians and police killed: Human rights lawyers accuse the government of a cover-up, BBC, 10 June:
# Civil Society Condemns Massacre of Indigenous People in Peru, 8 June:
# On Peru's rift over economic policy and the controversial free trade agreement with the US , Reuters, 9 June:
# Research Article: Oil and Gas Projects in the Western Amazon: Threats to Wilderness, Biodiversity, and Indigenous Peoples, M. Finer et al:
# Oil companies ‘should withdraw’ as Peru ‘faces its Tiananmen’, Survival International, 8 June:
# Peru's Amazon oil deals denounced, BBC News, 3 February:
Sign the petition! http://www.avaaz.org/en/peru_stop_violence/50.php
alguns comentarios
AMIGOS DE AVAZZ ME PARECEN MUY EFECTICVAS SUS CAMPAÑASCADAVEZ QUE SE VIOLEN LOS DERECHOS HUMANOS. LO QUE LES PASO A CONTAR ES UN CASO DE GENOCIDIO EN PERU. DONDE EL GOBIERNO QUIERE OCULTAR LA CIFRA REAL DE MASACRADOS ENTRE ELLOS MUJERES Y NIÑOS TODOS DESARMADOS. ENTRE LOS INDIJENAS SE HABLA DE MAS DE MIL MIENTRAS QUE EL GOBIERNO DIJO 3 Y LUEEGO 22 EstOs son el tipo de actos que nos hacen ver claramente que el saqueo y la barbarie continuan desde hace mas de 500 años, en america. El nuevo elemento ya no es el oro si no el petróleo de la selva. la ley de la selva 1090 dice entre otras cosas: que las tierras son de los nativos de la selva, pero el subsuelo es del estado peruano. cosa que equivale a decir que en el sótano de tu c |
Les populations indigènes de l'Amazonie péruvienne sont en train de se faire expulser de leurs territoires séculaires sous prétexte de prospection pétrolière. C'est une honte ! Ne pouvant pas lutter, ils finiront par disparaître et leur culture avec. Il faut stopper le massacre !!! Patrick |
figueroa, France |
... luchar y COMPARTIR con otros indigenas (que aún viven en pobreza, maltratados y explotados) lo que nuestros padres construyeron para nosotros, fácilmente podemos perderlo todo! Los medios de comunicacion corruptos como siempre solo hablan de los 11 policias muertos en Peru y no se habla de los mas de 50 muertos y heridos INDIGENAS! Me siento tan impotente, y tal vez no sea ésta la mejor forma de protestar, pero algo hay que hacer... Yo quiero saber qué acciones está tomando AVAAZ contra este genocidio... Att Mariela Condo Pilco (cantante indígena Puruhá) |
Mariela Condo Pilco, Ecuador |
... en pleno siglo XXI un "presidente" como Alan Garcia venga a decir públicamente que LOS INDIOS SOMOS CIUDADANOS DE SEGUNDA CLASE!!!... QUÉ CARAJO es segunda clase o primera clase!!!? Qué ser humano vale mas que otro por ser de primera o segunda clase???!; y además, este presidente dice que NO tenemos derecho a reclamar nada, que somos minoria! No por ser minoria dejamos de tener derechos, somos igual de importantes, somos tan seres humanos como todos con voz y voto como cualuquier otro! Somos minoria, entonces por ser minoria, el estado, un gobierno, un presidente tiene el derecho de ordenar la matanza de nuestros hermanos indigenas en el Peru??? Todos los jovenes indigenas debemos estar alertas, cuidar, luchar y COMPARTIR con otr |
Mariela Condo Pilco, Ecuador |
Soy una mujer indigena ecuatoriana, de la cultura Puruhá... Me ha golpeado profundamente en el alma y el corazón ver en los noticieros el genocidio contra mis hermanos indigenas de la Amazonía peruana. Que nos pasa!!! Tantos años de lucha de nuestros abuelos y abuelas, como Transito Amaguaña, Fernando Daquilema, Dolores Cacuango, Lázaro Condo, Tupac Amaru y muchos mas, para que poco a poco las nuevas generaciones como yo, como muchos otros jóvenes indígenas tengamos las posibilidades de estudiar, de caminar MAS O MENOS tranquilos por las calles sin que jueguen con nuestra dignidad, sin que pisotéen nuestros ponchos y nuestros pies descalzos, y sin que nos roben nuestra cosecha! Para que ahora en pleno siglo XXI un "presidente" com |
Mariela Condo Pilco, Ecuador |
Alan Garcia e o processo genocida no Peru»
Do CIMI: "O Conselho Indigenista Missionário (Cimi) encontra-se estarrecido com o assassinato de mais de 60 pessoas, dentre elas 30 indígenas do povo Awajun, que vive na Amazônia peruana. Parece impossível imaginar que, em pleno século 21, ocorra tal massacre genocida. No entanto, os fatos dos últimos dias no Peru revelam a face mais cruel de um processo colonialista continuado e atualizado com toda infâmia e violência contra os povos originários destas terras, os povos indígenas.
Infelizmente, o ataque contra os Awajun não é um fato isolado. Esse massacre é revelador da barbárie que a civilização das armas e da morte utiliza para continuar o saque dos recursos naturais, a invasão dos territórios indígenas e a negação dos direitos fundamentais desses povos. Trata-se de uma afronta às leis peruanas e aos acordos internacionais que garantem a esses povos suas terras e o usufruto dos recursos naturais.
Os indígenas foram assassinados durante mobilizações contra o Tratado do Livre Comércio (TLC) do Peru com os Estados Unidos, que possibilitará a invasão de terras indígenas e a exploração indiscriminada dos recursos ambientais. O governo do presidente Alan Garcia desrespeitou a Convenção n.169 da Organização Internacional do Trabalho, ao aprovar leis para o Tratado sem consultar os povos indígenas. Em protesto, os indígenas fizeram um ato numa estrada, onde foram violentamente reprimidos.
Esse fato é uma demonstração inequívoca do processo de criminalização e violência a que estão sendo submetidos a maior parte dos povos indígenas nas Américas, em Abya Yala. No Brasil, também há lideranças indígenas sendo assassinadas, presas e levadas aos tribunais, apenas por defenderem os direitos de seus povos.
O Cimi, como entidade solidária aos povos indígenas e defensor de uma outra América possível, externa sua total solidariedade ao povo Awajun e a todas as vítimas da atrocidade do Governo peruano. O Conselho se compromete a lutar para que esse genocídio seja julgado em fóruns internacionais. Nesse sentido, reforça a denúncia aos organismos internacionais e solicita, em especial à Corte Interamericana de Direitos Humanos da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA) a tomar as providências cabíveis em relação a mais esse atentado contra à vida dos povos indígenas.
Esse fato também nos compromete cada vez mais a lutar contra todas as injustiças e violências a que estão submetidos os povos indígenas no Brasil, na Abya Yala e no mundo.
Conselho Indigenista Missionário
Brasília, 7 de junho de 2009"
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