terça-feira, junho 23, 2009


So I created this widget (IFO DOEN'T SHOW HERE LOOK AT THE RIGHT SIDE BAR) so everybody can copy the code and put it on their own websites/blogs etc. it's linked to facebook . I don't know how long it will work cause facebook blocked Saeed Valadbaygi account (GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR) . BUT NOTHING WILL STOP US!!

Tenho feito o widget (se nao se ve aqui em cima podem procurar na barra do lado deeito, copiem o codigo e podem por as informaçoes nos seus blogs ou paginas e assim ajudar a divulgar . esta linkado ao facebook mas eles cancelaram a conta do Saeed entao vamos ver o que acontece fiquem ligados!!

Hice este widget (si no se ve aqui encima, copien desde la barra del lado derechopor favor) pueden poner el codigo en cualquier blog o pagina que tengas asi ayudamos a divulgar las noticias de iran .

Ho fatto questo widget (se non sivede qui sopra potete copiarlo nella sbarra della destra) copiate il codigo e publicatelo nei vostri blog o pagine web per la sua divulgazione, che stano intentando fermare a tutti i costi (mi lembra di qualcuno da quelle parti...) insoma facebook ha bloccato la conta de Saeed quindi non so per quanto tempo sestara attivo ma Dio esiste quindi vedremo che sucedde!!

Saeed Valadbaygi Enjoy and Share!

Saeed received a warning from FB claiming (very vaguely and very general) that he had violated some FB's policy. In objection, Saeed posted the very warning on his wall w/o any comment. Facebook remov...

If anyone is on Twitter, set your location to Tehran and your time zone to GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location/timezone searches. The more people at this location, the more of a logjam it creates for forces trying to shut Iranians' access to the internet down. Cut & paste & pass it on!

Se vc esta no twitter , por favor mude a sua ubicaçao para Teheran e a zona horaria para GMT +3:30. As forças de segurança estam caçando os bloggers iranianos usando localizaçao/e zona horaria. Entao mais gente esta nesta localizaçao vai ser mas dificil para eles cortar o acceso a internete . por favor passa esta mensagem a todo mundo!!

Se estas em twitter, por favor pon tu ubicación en Teherán y tu zona horaria en GMT +3:30. Las fuerzas de seguridad iranianas están "cazando" los bloggers usando localización y zona horaria. Entonces mas personas estamos virtualmente ahi, mas dificil será para ellos cortar el acceso a internet. PASA ESTO A TODOS LOS QUE PUEDAS!!

unete al grupo, unitevi al gruppo

100 Million Facebook members for Democracy in Iran

Our grassroot effort is working, you have all been incredible, each one of you has contributed enormously on behalf of this internet rally which is a 24 hour a day race to inspire millions of people who can connect with us for a greater cause: DEMOCRACY IN IRAN.
By now , we have all witnessed the incredible courage of the Iranian people in Iran. We are also seeing these very disturbing images of repression which are so difficult to watch. So many messages are arriving on our wall straight from Iran and are heartbreaking . Its getting harder and harder for them to act on their aspiration for democracy.

By all accounts , our effort to mobilize friends in FACEBOOK is a meaningful action that lifts the spirit of all the people involved in this incredible message of Hope and especially , the Iranian people themselves.
Please keep the pressure of mobilization here and everywhere you go. Our Group need your support, in 4 days we have mobilized over 61,217 people, its huge but there is still a long way to go.
Thank you everyone , you are amazing, you are helping to write HISTORY.



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