Bofetada educadísima de Brasil al mundo
Durante un debate en una universidad de Estados Unidos, le
preguntaron al ex gobernador del Distrito Federal y actual
Ministro de Educación de Brasil, CRISTOVÃO CHICO
BUARQUE, qué pensaba sobre la internacionalización de la
Amazonia. Un estadounidense en las Naciones Unidas introdujo
su pregunta, diciendo que esperaba la respuesta de un
humanista y no de un brasileño.
Ésta fue la respuesta del Sr. Cristóvão Buarque:
Realmente, como brasileño, sólo hablaría en contra
de la internacionalización de la Amazonia. Por más que
nuestros gobiernos no cuiden debidamente ese patrimonio,
él es nuestro.
Como humanista, sintiendo el riesgo de la degradación
ambiental que sufre la Amazonia, puedo imaginar su
internacionalización, como también de todo lo demás, que
es de suma importancia para la humanidad.
Si la Amazonia, desde una ética humanista, debe ser
internacionalizada, internacionalicemos también las
reservas de petróleo del mundo entero.
El petróleo es tan importante para el bienestar de la
humanidad como la Amazonia para nuestro futuro. A pesar de
eso, los dueños de las reservas creen tener el derecho de
aumentar o disminuir la extracción de petróleo y subir o no su precio.
De la misma forma, el capital financiero de los países
ricos debería ser internacionalizado. Si la Amazonia es una
reserva para todos los seres humanos, no se debería quemar
solamente por la voluntad de un dueño o de un país. Quemar
la Amazonia es tan grave como el desempleo provocado por las
decisiones arbitrarias de los especuladores globales.
No podemos permitir que las reservas financieras sirvan para
quemar países enteros en la voluptuosidad de la especulación.
También, antes que la Amazonia, me gustaría ver la
internacionalización de los grandes museos del mundo.
El Louvre no debe pertenecer solo a Francia.
Cada museo del mundo es el guardián de las piezas más bellas producidas
por el genio humano. No se puede dejar que ese patrimonio
cultural, como es el patrimonio natural amazónico, sea
manipulado y destruido por el sólo placer de un propietario o de un país.
No hace mucho tiempo, un millonario japonés decidió
enterrar, junto con él, un cuadro de un gran maestro.
Por el contrario, ese cuadro tendría que haber sido
Durante este encuentro, las Naciones Unidas están
realizando el Foro Del Milenio, pero algunos presidentes de
países tuvieron dificultades para participar, debido a
situaciones desagradables surgidas en la frontera de los
EE.UU. Por eso, creo que Nueva York, como sede de las
Naciones Unidas, debe ser internacionalizada. Por lo menos
Manhatan debería pertenecer a toda la humanidad.
De la misma forma que París, Venecia, Roma, Londres, Río de
Janeiro, Brasilia... cada ciudad, con su belleza
específica, su historia del mundo, debería pertenecer al mundo entero.
Si EEUU quiere internacionalizar la Amazonia, para no
correr el riesgo de dejarla en manos de los
brasileños,internacionalicemos todos los arsenales
nucleares. Basta pensar que ellos ya demostraron que son
capaces de usar esas armas, provocando una destrucción
miles de veces mayor que las lamentables quemas realizadas
en los bosques de Brasil.
En sus discursos, los actuales candidatos a la presidencia
de los Estados Unidos han defendido la idea de
internacionalizar las reservas forestales del mundo a cambio de la deuda.
Comencemos usando esa deuda para garantizar que cada niño
del mundo tenga la posibilidad de comer y de ir a la
escuela. Internacionalicemos a los niños, tratándolos a
todos ellos sin importar el país donde nacieron, como
patrimonio que merecen los cuidados del mundo entero. Mucho
más de lo que se merece la Amazonia. Cuando los dirigentes
traten a los niños pobres del mundo como Patrimonio de la
Humanidad, no permitirán que trabajen cuando deberían
estudiar; que mueran cuando deberían vivir.
Como humanista, acepto defender la internacionalización
del mundo; pero, mientras el mundo me trate como brasileño,
lucharé para que la Amazonia, sea nuestra. ¡Solamente
NOTA: Este artículo fue publicado en el NEW YORK
TIMES, WASHINGTON POST, USA TODAY y en los diarios de mayor tirada de EUROPA y JAPÓN.
Below is an insightful response from the Brazilian Minister of Education, better known as a poet, composer and musician. In a visit to an US university, Chico Buarque was asked about the possibility of ‘internationalise’ the Amazonia. His response highlights the complexity of the issue, the powers in play, the threatened sovereignty of nations and the double standards applied when deciding on these issues. It also reveals a humanist approach, honesty and wisdom of a government minister such as Chico Buarque.
Hope to read your views on this important issue and thanks Jorge Woods for sending this article around.
Internationalize the Amazonia?
Brazil’s Amazon basin, some 360 million hectares cleaved by the world’s largest river, the Amazon, whose 80,000 kilometers in length is equal to the distance between New York and Berlin, holds the planet’s greatest biodiversity reserve. This unique, complex, exceptional ecosystem is a colossal Patrimony of Humanity. Should it be internationalized?
Cristováo Buarque
During a debate in a US university over four years ago, a young US ecologist asked Cristóvão Buarque, then the Workers Party governor of the Federal District of Brasilia and currently Brazil’s minister of education, about his ideas on internationalizing the Amazonia, so often described as the “lung of humanity.” It was then and still is a theme strongly sustained in Washington’s power circles.
The young man said he hoped Buarque would answer with the vision of a humanist rather than of a Brazilian. What he got was a response that was both Brazilian and humanist, one as valid and timely today as it was four years ago. As increasingly happens with such important and surprising messages, it has been repeated on various Internet pages, accompanied by the implicit digital sign, “pass it on,” it’s for everyone. Hundreds of groups, organizations, institutions and publications that present alternative ideas to today’s “single thinking,” most of them outside the United States, have already reproduced his response. Better late than never, envío is also helping to disseminate his brilliant and clinching message, which we strongly applaud.
“From a humanist perspective...”
“As a Brazilian I would always argue against internationalizing the Amazon Rain Forest. Even though our government has not given this patrimony the care that it deserves, it is still ours. As a humanist who fears the risks posed by the environmental degradation the Amazon is suffering, I could imagine its internationalization, just as I could imagine the internationalization of everything else of importance to humanity.
If, from a humanist perspective, the Amazon must be internationalized, we should also internationalize the world’s petroleum reserves. Oil is as important for the well being of humanity as the Amazon is for our future. The owners of the reserves, however, feel that they have the right to increase or decrease the amount of oil production, as well as increase or lower the price per barrel. The wealthy of the world feel they have the right to burn up this immense patrimony of humanity.
In much the same way, the wealthy countries’ financial capital should be internationalized. Since the Amazon Rain Forest is a reserve for all human beings, no owner or country must be allowed to burn it up. The burning of the Amazon is as serious a problem as the unemployment caused by the arbitrary decisions made by global speculators. We cannot permit the use of financial reserves to burn entire countries in the frenzy of speculation.
“Let’s internationalize all the world’s children as patrimony of humanity”
Before we internationalize the Amazon, I would like to see the internationalization of all the world’s great museums. The Louvre should not belong merely to France. The world’s museums are guardians of the most beautiful pieces of art produced by the human genius. We cannot let this cultural patrimony, like the natural patrimony of the Amazon, be manipulated and destroyed by the whims of an owner or a country. A short time ago, a Japanese millionaire decided to be buried with a painting by a great artist. That painting should have been internationalized before this could happen.
The United Nations is holding the Millennium Summit parallel to this meeting, but some Presidents ohad difficulties attending due to U.S. border-crossing constraints. Because of this, I think that New York, as the headquarters of the United Nations, should be internationalized. At least Manhattan should belong to all humanity, as should Paris, Venice, Rome, London, Río de Janeiro, Brasilia, Recife... Each city, with its unique beauty and its history, should belong to the entire world, to all of humanity.
If the United States wants to internationalize the Amazon Rain Forest to minimize the risk of leaving it in the hands of Brazilians, we should internationalize its nuclear arsenals, if only because the country has already demonstrated it is capable of using these arms, causing destruction thousands of times greater than the deplorable burnings done in the forests of Brazil.
In their debates, the US presidential candidates have defended the idea of internationalizing the world’s forest reserves in exchange for debt relief. We should begin by using this debt to guarantee that each child in the world has the opportunity to go to school. We should internationalize the children, treating them, all of them, no matter their country of birth, as patrimony that deserves to be cared for by the entire world. Even more than the Amazon deserves to be cared for. When the world’s leaders begin to treat the poor children of the world as a patrimony of humanity, they will not let them work when they should be studying, die when they should be living.
As a humanist, I agree to defend the internationalization of the world. But, as long as the world treats me as a Brazilian, I will fight for the Amazonia to remain ours. Ours alone.”