La distribución de beneficios en la explotación del petróleo amazónico está muy desequilibrada. El llamado “Chernobyl de la jungla” o mayor desastre petrolífero de la historia, perpetrado por la negligencia criminal de la multinacional Texaco; ha supuesto el exterminio de varias etnias, la desforestación y contaminación de millones de hectáreas y la violación de los derechos humanos indígenas a costa del enriquecimiento del bando esquilmador. Esta es la crónica completa de la mayor demanda judicial de la historia interpuesta por los afectados.
Extracto muy significativo del reciente y polémico documental “Crude” de Joe Berlinger y que ha levantado el interés, de nuevo, por el caso del Chernobyl Amazónico.
La pesadilla indígena comenzó en 1967, con la llegada de Texaco (ahora Chevron) a la selva ecuatoriana. Hasta entonces un pequeño pozo inaugurado en la Península de Santa Elena (Ecuador) en 1911 era el único reducto de este tipo de explotación energética experimental y, por entonces, nada rentable. Tres años antes Texaco había conseguido una ‘concesión’ teledirigida del gobierno, de más de millón y medio de hectáreas para prospectar pretróleo a sus anchas y sin ningún rigor medioambiental. Hasta 1990 -cuando abandonó la extracción- Texaco ya había perforado más de 400 pozos, sólo en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana; extrayendo -sin contar los derrames- casi veinte mil millones de barriles de crudo, lo que equivale a 25 años de todo el consumo actual de petróleo y gas en España.
Es muy curioso que, según varios estudios antropológicos, un siglo antes de la invasión-Texaco; los indígenas hablaban de un elemento negro y viscoso que brotaba de forma natural de la madre tierra y que tenía cierto rendimiento energético y hasta medicinal. La primera relación pues del indígena con el ‘oro negro’ era moderada y sostenible… hasta que la mano avariciosa y los brutales y descontrolados procesos químicos de extracción, rompieron la armonía del recurso natural para ponzoñar el desarrollo sustentable de estas tribus y su entorno.
¡Este acuífero huele a gasolina!
El gran error de la desaparecida Texaco (adquirida por Chevron con todas sus ‘cargas’ en 2001), presa de la codicia del pionero y desestimando su responsabilidad como tal, fue obviar los reglamentos de extracción vigentes (por entonces bastantes permisivos pero muy claros) para utilizar, en su beneficio, los métodos prospectivos del desierto que rentabilizaban al máximo sus avaras inversiones. Como fueron las primeros, se les exoneró de culpa y negligencia con la excusa de la generación de riqueza en zona pobre. Vía libre a la rapacidad del poderoso.
En toda extracción petrolífera se producen fluidos asociados o “aguas de formación” en los procesos de separación del agua y gas del crudo antes de ser bombeado a los oleoductos. Estos desechos normalmente son devueltos y reinyectados allá de donde nacieron; la profundidad de la madre tierra. En el Amazonas no, era ‘demasiado caro’. Texaco prefirió hacer con estas aguas piscinas tóxicas al aire libre para el ‘olor’ y disfrute del indio amazónico y su ecosistema. Nada más y nada menos que más de 1.000 piscinas artificiales descubiertas, sembradas por toda la Amazonía Ecuatoriana y regadas con agua ponzoñosa y que a día de hoy siguen abiertas y vertiendo tóxicos a la atmósfera y a los acuíferos adyacentes a través del subsuelo. Ver las fotos.
En una de las escenas del documental “Crude” de Joe Berlinger, se puede ver al Presidente ecuatoriano Rafael Correa (grano en el culo del gigante Chevron), visitando a una familia afectada por las filtraciones desde una piscina de formación a su pozo de agua potable: – ¡Esto huele a gasolina! Exclama ingenuamente el mandatario.
A estos ‘pantanos artificiales de petróleo’ se les unieron los vertidos incontrolados de más de 57 millones de litros de crudo por roturas en los oleoductos, la quema de más de 30.500 millones de pies cúbicos diarios de gas cuyas partículas de combustión son eliminadas directamente a la atmósfera y la ‘plastificación’ de carreteras y caminos amazónicos con productos asfálticos de mala calidad y solubles a lluvias y escorrentías; pero sobre todo, lo que más indigna, es la falta de diligencia en las políticas medioambientales responsables de recuperación en todos los desastres acaecidos.
Un genocidio en toda regla.
Los primeros años de explotación, el ‘oro negro’ y el cohecho para con los indígenas ocultó la terrible esquilmacíon de recursos tanto medioambientales como humanos. Los afectados han convivido con la enfermedad y con el miedo. Nunca, hasta ahora, se organizaron para denunciar por temor a que las grandes compañías extractoras cancelaran las exiguas ayudas que vendían como contraprestación humanitaria a la cruel explotación. Todavía hoy, centenares de ‘esteros’ engañados, limpian con lo puesto y sin protección alguna las piscinas de crudo mientras bendicen las bondades del gigante y disfrutan la tasa de abortos espontáneos más alta de toda América.
Séis etnias han sido diezmadas desde que Texaco irrumpió en el Amazonas: Cofán, Secoya, Huaorani, Siona, Quichua y Tetete.
Las tribu Tetete, por ejemplo, ha desaparecido ‘literalmente’ del mapa por la acción directa de Texaco. No se trata de una teoría izquierdista sobre la evolución natural de los últimos reductos indígenas. La causa directa de su extinción fue la desforestación y los vertidos en el entorno del Lago Agrio (su nombre se lo dio el petróleo) a causa de los mecanismos utilizados en las perforaciones en un territorio ‘sin ley’ por parte de la multinacional americana. Hoy este exterminio archidemostrado sigue sospechosamente impune.
La culpa es de los Indios.
La multinacional, potentada en recursos, ha creado un lobby complejo y poderoso entorno al caso. Durante estos años de lucha, las diferentes ‘perlas’ de sus abogados, representantes y directivos de la empresa, además de mostrar el ‘pensamiento oficial’ del emporio respecto al daño ocasionado, han emponzoñado el proceso y sus reverberaciones en la opinión pública.
- “El petróleo no produce cáncer. Las enfermedades de los Indígenas son producto de la falta de higiene”. Silvia Garrido. Abogada de Chevron-Texaco, obviando que uno de los componentes del crudo es el benceno, un potente cancerígeno.
- “No se han encontrado elementos tóxicos que terminen de responsabilizar a Texaco”. Jaime Varela, representante de Chevron-Texaco en el Ecuador; contradiciendo todas las pruebas aportadas en juicio incluso por su propia compañía.
- “Yo me maquillo todos los días, poniéndome una forma de ‘petróleo’ en la cara. Y no significa que vaya a enfermar por ello”. Silvia Garrido, abogada de Chevron-Texaco durante una reciente entrevista. Sin comentarios.
- “Nosotros limpiamos el daño en el Ecuador y ya no somos responsables”
A mediados de los 90, Texaco pagó unos 40 millones de dólares para una supuesta limpieza a cambio de la firma del necesitado gobierno ecuatoriano para que le eximiera de responsabilidades futuras. La fraudulenta ‘remediación’ consistió en llenar de arena y chatarra algunas de las piscinas de petróleo desestimando la purificación de acuíferos y la compensación y cura de los enfermos. Más tarde se demostró la falsificación en el número de piscinas limpiadas y de los análisis efectuados por la compañía para ganarse la firma del gobierno y con ello el indulto. Esto ocasionó una cruenta batalla legal entre Texaco y el Estado Ecuatoriano ante la Corte Federal de EEUU. El litigio aún continua.
- “Altos niveles de materiales tóxicos se encuentran de manera natural en el suelo del Amazonas”
Texaco pretende hacer creer que unos niveles de 40.000 mg/kg de bario en la tierra es una cantidad ‘natural’. La manipulación que ejerce Texaco sobre las tomas de datos en las inspecciones oficiales es flagrante y está demostrada en muchos documentos. Intentando imponer siempre sus ‘ridículos’ protocolos de medida por encima de los peritajes aprobados por los organismos oficiales. Y, como en este caso, rozando el ridículo más espantoso.
Texaco pretende hacer creer que unos niveles de 40.000 mg/kg de bario en la tierra es una cantidad ‘natural’. La manipulación que ejerce Texaco sobre las tomas de datos en las inspecciones oficiales es flagrante y está demostrada en muchos documentos. Intentando imponer siempre sus ‘ridículos’ protocolos de medida por encima de los peritajes aprobados por los organismos oficiales. Y, como en este caso, rozando el ridículo más espantoso.
- “El documental de Berlinger está lleno de emoción, pero escaso de hechos [...] La principal causa de los problemas de salud en el oriente ecuatoriano, donde se realiza la actividad petrolera que enfoca la película, es la contaminación del agua, pero no por el crudo, si no por la falta de saneamiento básico en la zona, donde los desagües de los municipios desembocan sin tratamiento en los ríos y riachuelos de la región”.
James Craig portavoz de Chevron-Texaco , sobre el documental “Crude“
Para desmontar otros muchos mitos del caso ‘Texaco‘ no os perdáis este interesante documento.James Craig portavoz de Chevron-Texaco , sobre el documental “Crude“
La mayor demanda de la historia es también el mayor fiasco jurídico de la historia.
La contaminación del amazonas es el peor de los vertidos de crudo que se ha producido a lo largo de la historia, con más de 4.000 kilómetros cuadrados afectados. El nivel de toxinas derramadas en los acuíferos y el subsuelo amazónico es hasta 30 veces superior a los vertidos producidos en Alaska por el Exxon Valdez. Pero su impacto mediático ha sido infinitamente menor debido a la calculada estrategia del lobby occidental para no sentar jurisprudencia en dominios del tercer mundo. El juicio lleva con aplazamientos, retrasos y sin sentencia durante más de 20 años.
En 1993, poco después de la ‘huida’ de Texaco del Amazonas, un pequeño grupo de afectados ‘particulares’, ayudados por dos pequeños despachos de abogados norteamericanos, presentaron una demanda en la Corte Federal de Nueva York, por los daños ocasionados al medio ambiente y a las etnias autóctonas en la utilización de tecnología obsoleta y barata durante sus operaciones petrolíferas. 30.000 indígenas y colonos se unieron en 1995 a la demanda reclamando más de 27.000 millones de dólares como indemnización y bolsa de recursos para ‘limpiar’ el territorio afectado. La justicia americana, en una decisión histórica, resolvió en 2002 enviar el caso a Ecuador ordenando a Chevron-Texaco someterse (sin posibilidad de prescripción alguna) a la jurisprudencia ecuatoriana, por encontrarse allí la mayoría de las pruebas y evidencias. Los dirigentes de Texaco se frotaron -a priori- las manos al saberse infinitamente mejor preparados en una batalla legal contra la inocente justicia de un país del ‘tercer’ mundo. Actualmente, y siempre a coveniencia, reniegan de una supuesta justicia inexperta que podría condenarles por simple ‘presión popular’.
Unas 200.000 páginas de evidencias y 62.000 análisis científicos de laboratorios independientes demuestran que la multinacional ha abandonado a su suerte más de 900 balsas de residuos y ha derramado voluntariamente tóxicos y agua contaminada que, a su vez, ha producido todo tipo de lesiones y males en la población indígena: cánceres, abortos, leucemia, anemias, afecciones de la piel, desnutrición.. etc. Como demuestran prestigiosos informes independientes, como el “Yana Curi” de la “London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine“. Todas las pruebas apuntan hacia un lado pero el proceso está cada vez más ‘viscoso’ y empantanado por las inteligentes maniobras burocráticas y demandas disuasorias de los ‘poderosos’ acusados.
Las trabas del organigrama jurídico de la multinacional son calculadas y orquestadas al ritmo de los vértices de su pirámide. El juicio está convirtiéndose en un circo mediático para ganarse el favor de la opinión política -que no pública- y autoridades económicas ejerciendo un poder lesivo e ilícito sobre la corte y el proceso judicial. Sólo el tiempo que llevan de impunidad y de juicios sesgados demuestra la efectividad de su calculada estrategia.
Documental sobre la lucha de los nativos contra la contaminación y la multinacional Texaco (ahora Chevron)
Uno de los hechos que demuestran el ‘lenguaje legal’ que ha utilizado Texaco-Chevron se produjo en una de las famosas inspecciones ordenadas por el Juez, en las instalaciones petroleras de la antigua Texaco en Guanta, Sucumbios allá por octubre de 2005. Una noche antes de que se produjera la inspección, los abogados de Texaco presentaron al Juez un supuesto ‘informe militar’ que aseguraba un inminente ataque de la etnia Cofán para detener la inspección y tomar como rehenes a directivos de Texaco. El juez se lo tragó y anuló la inspección. Una posterior investigación del Ministerio de Defensa Ecuatoriano demostró que los abogados mintieron y manipularon el informe para lograr la suspensión. Da igual. La recusación acabó con la contratación de un nuevo y potente equipo legal dispuesto a embarullar de nuevo el proceso.
En la primavera de 2008 los acontecimientos dieron un giro inquietante. Un grupo de expertos contratados -en privado- por Chevron recomendaron el pago inmediato de entre 8 y 16 mil millones de dólares para la limpieza de la zona, y evitar un veredicto dañoso más que probable. Los rumores corrieron como la pólvora y obligaron a la directiva a informar y tranquilizar a los accionistas. Era un simple estudio de confianza interna.
Pero las artimañas imperialistas no acaban aquí. Durante la administración Bush, la directiva de Chevron intentó convencer al gobierno afín para que tomara medidas comerciales con la economia ecuatoriana en el caso de que no detuviera el proceso. El portavoz de la Oficina de Comercio de EE.UU. Susan Schwab, confirmó que estaban considerando la petición. Afortunadamente, con la llegada de Obama, las pautas han sido claras. El grueso del proceso depende de la justicia ecuatoriana.
El 30 de junio de 2009 se produjo la primera de las sentencias que encauzan el proceso a la lógica jurídica. La Corte Suprema del los EEUU negó la apelación a Texaco por la que pretendia impugnar la decisión, ya firme, de un juez que negaba el traslado de responsabilidades de Texaco a Petroecuador por los daños generados en la Amazonía Ecuatoriana. El proceso sigue adelante.
¿Visto ya para sentencia?. Lo dudo
Fuentes y enlaces.
La idea de profundizar en la cronología del ‘negro problema amazónico’ surgió al conocer del impresionante documental recientemente estrenado: “Crude”, de Joe Berlinger. Por cierto ampliamente criticado, lógicamente, por los directivos de la multinacional. He intentado que el documento redactado esté siempre apoyado en enlaces coherentes y veraces que ayuden a suscitar la misma indignación que tienen los demandantes frente al infructuoso proceso. Otros enlaces al servicio de la documentación: aquí, aquí, aquí, aquí y aquí.
The distribution of profits from the development of Amazonian oil is very unbalanced. The so-called "Chernobyl of the jungle" or higher oil disaster in history, perpetrated by the criminal negligence of the multinational Texaco, has led to the extermination of ethnic groups, deforestation and pollution of millions of hectares and the violation of indigenous human rights enrichment at the expense of depleted side. This is the most complete chronicle of the history lawsuit filed by those affected.
Extract very significant and controversial recent documentary "Crude" by Joe Berlinger and has raised interest again in the case of the Amazonian Chernobyl..Indian nightmare began in 1967 with the arrival of Texaco (now Chevron) to the Ecuadorian rainforest. Until then a small hole opened in the Santa Elena Peninsula (Ecuador) in 1911 was the only stronghold of this type of experimental energy exploitation, and then, all profitable. Texaco three years before had won a 'concession' remote control of the government, over a million and a half hectares for pretróleo prospect at ease and without any environmental rigor. Until 1990-when he left the extraction-Texaco had drilled over 400 wells, only in the Ecuadorian Amazon, drawing-not to mention the spills, almost twenty billion barrels, equivalent to 25 years around the current consumption oil and gas in Spain..ecuador_01Una of 'pools of oil "stranded in the region. The gas is still burning 24 hours a day since the well was opened. Source
It is very curious that, according to anthropological studies, a century before the invasion-Texaco, the Indians spoke of a black, viscous element flowed naturally from mother earth and had some energy efficiency and even medicinal. The first relationship as the Indian with the 'black gold' was moderately sustainable until the hand ... greedy and brutal and uncontrolled chemical extraction process, broke the harmony of the natural resource for sustainable development venom of these tribes and their environment.
Pipeline-1A 6_broken broken pipe, part of an abandoned facility, continues to emit toxic in a well of Shushufindi, Ecuador. Source.This aquifer smells like gasoline!
The great mistake of the former Texaco (bought by Chevron with all their 'charges' in 2001), prey to the greed of the pioneer and rejecting his responsibility as such, was to obviate the existing mining regulations (then quite forgiving but very clear) to use, for their benefit, the prospective methods Desert greedy maximize their investments. As were the first, they were exonerated and neglect under the guise of creating wealth in poor area. Way for the rapacity of the powerful.
ecuadoramazon12dt8Más than 900 outdoor swimming pools and waste 'produced water' have been abandoned by Chevron-Texaco after exhausting extractions. Source
In all fluids produced oil extraction associated or "formation water" in the process of separating water and oil gas before being pumped into the pipeline. These wastes are typically injected, returned and beyond where they were born, the depth of mother earth. In the Amazon, no, it was 'too expensive'. Texaco chose to do with these toxic water outdoor swimming pools for the 'smell' and enjoy the Amazonian Indian and its ecosystem. Nothing more and nothing less than more than 1,000 outdoor artificial pools, cultivated throughout the Ecuadorian Amazon and irrigated with water poisonous and which today are still open and pouring toxic to the atmosphere and adjacent aquifers through groundwater. See the photos.
In one scene from the documentary "Crude" by Joe Berlinger, one can see the Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa (pain in the ass of the giant Chevron), visiting a family affected by seepage from a pool of training to the water well Drinking: - This smells like gasoline! Naively exclaims the president.
7_crude_reflections_01Las facilities based on outdated technology and cheap, without any protection against sabotage and weather conditions.
These 'oil wetlands' were joined by the uncontrolled dumping of more than 57 million gallons of crude oil through leaking pipelines, burning more than 30,500 million cubic feet of gas whose combustion particles are removed directly the atmosphere and the 'plasticization' of Amazonian highways and roads of poor quality asphalt products and soluble rainfall and runoff, but above all, the most unworthy, is the lack of diligence in environmental policies responsible for all disaster recovery occurred..A full-scale genocide.
The first years of operation, the 'black gold' and bribery for indigenous hid the terrible depletion of both environmental and human resources. Those affected have lived with the disease and fear. Never, until now, organized to complain for fear that large mining companies cancel the meager aid sold as humanitarian consideration to the cruel exploitation. Even today, hundreds of 'wetlands' deceived, clean with nothing and unprotected pools of oil while the benefits of the giant bless and enjoy the rate of highest spontaneous abortions in America.
derrameUno of mangroves affected by one of 200 uncontrolled discharge of Lago Agrio. Ecuador. Source
Six ethnic groups have been decimated since Texaco broke into the Amazon: Cofan, Secoya, Huaorani, Siona, Quichua and Tetete.
The Tetete tribe, for example, has gone 'literally' off the map by the direct action of Texaco. This is not a leftist theory on the natural history of the last strongholds Indians. The direct cause of extinction was deforestation and discharges in the vicinity of Lago Agrio (your name gave it oil) because of the mechanisms used in drilling in an area lawless by the American multinational. Today this is suspiciously archidemostrado killing unpunished.
ecuadoramazon21hs3 How can you clean up a spill in the middle of the Amazon rainforest?. Best flight. Source
.Blame it on the Indians.
The multinational, potentate in resources, has created a complex and powerful lobby around the case. During these years of struggle, the various 'pearls' of his attorneys, representatives and officials of the company, and shows the 'official mind' of the empire of the harm caused, have poisoned the process and its reverberations in public opinion.
- "Oil does not cause cancer. Indigenous diseases are caused by poor hygiene. " Silvia Garrido. Chevron-Texaco lawyer, obviously one of the components of crude oil is benzene, a potent carcinogen.
- "No items found toxic finish Texaco accountable." Jaime Varela, representative of Chevron-Texaco in Ecuador, contradicting all the evidence at trial even by his own company.
- "I put on makeup every day, putting a form of 'oil' in the face. And I do not mean that you will get sick from it. " Silvia Garrido, a lawyer for Chevron-Texaco in a recent interview. No comments.
Chevron ProtestEl indigenous group to demand justice outside the courthouse that has been the case in Lago Agrio. March 2007. Source
- "We cleaned up the damage in Ecuador and we are not responsible"A mid 90's, Texaco paid about $ 40 million for alleged clean in exchange for the signing of Ecuadorian government needed to exempt them from future liabilities. The fraudulent 'remediation' was to be filled with sand and scrap some of the oil pits dismissing the purification of groundwater and the clearing and healing the sick. Later proved the forgery in the number of pools cleaned and assessments by the company to earn the signature of the government and thus the pardon. This resulted in a bitter legal battle between Texaco and the Ecuadorian State to the U.S. Federal Court. The litigation is still ongoing.
- "High levels of toxic chemicals are found naturally in the soil of the Amazon"Texaco pretends that levels of 40,000 mg / kg of barium in the land is on a 'natural'. Texaco manipulation exerted on data jacks official inspections is blatant and proven in many documents. Always trying to impose their 'ridiculous' protocols measured above the expert approved by government agencies. And, as in this case, touching the scariest ridiculous.
ecuadoramazon8zj5El cleaning process and 'remediation' Texaco has made land is filled with oily ponds site. This is the result. Source
- "Berlinger's documentary is filled with excitement, but little of facts [...] The main cause of health problems in eastern Ecuador, where is the oil industry that focuses the film, is the contamination of water but not for oil, if not for the lack of basic sanitation in the area where municipal drains flow untreated into rivers and streams of the region. "James Craig spokesman for Chevron-Texaco, on the documentary "Crude"
To remove many myths of the case 'Texaco' do not miss this interesting document.
.The increased demand of the story is also the largest legal fiasco in history.
Amazon pollution is the worst oil spills that occurred throughout history, with over 4,000 square miles affected. The level of toxins spilled into underground aquifers and Amazon is up to 30 times the discharges produced in Alaska from the Exxon Valdez. But the media impact has been far less because of the West Lobby calculated strategy to establish jurisprudence in this domain is not third world. The trial leads to delays, delays and without trial for over 20 years.
In 1993, shortly after the 'escape' of Texaco's Amazon, a small group of victims 'private', aided by two small U.S. law firms filed a lawsuit in federal court in New York, for damages caused to the environment environment and indigenous ethnic groups in the use of obsolete technology and cheap oil for their operations. 30,000 indigenous people and settlers joined the lawsuit in 1995 claiming more than 27,000 million dollars in compensation and stock resources to "clean up" the territory affected. American justice, in a landmark decision, ruled in 2002 sent the case to Ecuador ordering Chevron-Texaco to submit (with no period of limitation) to the Ecuadorian case, for being there most of the tests and evidence. Texaco leaders rubbed-a priori-known hands to infinitely better prepared in a legal battle against the justice of a country innocent 'third' world. Currently, and always covenient, deny an alleged fledgling justice could be ordered by simple 'popular pressure. "
8_crude_reflections_04Luz Maria Marin holds the head of her husband Angel Toala the day before his death from stomach cancer. Shushufindi, Ecuador. Source
About 200,000 and 62,000 pages of evidence from independent laboratories scientific analysis shows that the multinational has left to his own more than 900 ponds spilled waste and toxic and contaminated water voluntarily, which in turn has produced all kinds of injuries and illnesses in the indigenous population: cancers, abortions, leukemia, anemia, skin diseases, malnutrition .. etc. As demonstrated by prestigious independent reports, as the "Yana Curi" in the "London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine." All evidence points to one side but the process is becoming more 'sticky' and bogged down by bureaucratic maneuvers and clever deterrent demands of the 'powerful' defendants.
The shackles of legal organization of the multinational are calculated and orchestrated to the rhythm of the corners of his pyramid. The trial is becoming a media circus to win the favor of political opinion-not-public economic authorities and exerting a harmful and illegal power on the court and the judicial process. Only time that lead to impunity and biased judgments demonstrates the effectiveness of their calculated strategy.
Documentary about the struggle of native against pollution and the multinational Texaco (now Chevron)
One of the facts that demonstrate the "legal language" that has been used Texaco-Chevron was one of the famous inspections ordered by the court, at the oil installations of the former Texaco in glove, Sucumbios back in October 2005. One night before the inspection occurred, Texaco's lawyers presented the judge's alleged "military report" that claimed an imminent attack to stop the ethnic Cofán inspection and hostage taking Texaco executives. The judge was swallowed and canceled the inspection. An investigation of Ecuadorian Defense Ministry showed that the lawyers lied and manipulated to achieve the suspension report. Whatever. The challenge ended with the hiring of a powerful new legal team ready to bungle the process again.
In the spring of 2008, events took a disturbing turn. A group of experts engaged in private-Chevron recommended immediate payment of between 8 and 16 billion dollars to clean the area, and avoid harmful verdict more likely. Rumors spread like wildfire and forced the directors to inform and reassure shareholders. It was a simple study of inner confidence.
But the imperialist tricks do not end there. During the Bush administration, the board of Chevron tried to convince the government to take measures related to trade with the Ecuadorian economy if not stopped the process. The spokesman for the U.S. Trade Office Susan Schwab, confirmed they were considering the request. Fortunately, with the advent of Obama, the guidelines have been clear. The bulk of the process depends on the Ecuadorian courts.
equipment operator ecuador_17Un indigenous firms, shows what happens to reporters when immersed one hand in one of the abandoned ponds.
On June 30, 2009 was the first of the judgments that guide the process to legal logic. The U.S. Supreme Court denied the appeal in which Texaco was attempting to challenge the decision as final, a judge denied the transfer of responsibilities for Texaco to Petroecuador for damage caused in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The process continues.
"Having already for sentencing?. I doubt it
Extract very significant and controversial recent documentary "Crude" by Joe Berlinger and has raised interest again in the case of the Amazonian Chernobyl..Indian nightmare began in 1967 with the arrival of Texaco (now Chevron) to the Ecuadorian rainforest. Until then a small hole opened in the Santa Elena Peninsula (Ecuador) in 1911 was the only stronghold of this type of experimental energy exploitation, and then, all profitable. Texaco three years before had won a 'concession' remote control of the government, over a million and a half hectares for pretróleo prospect at ease and without any environmental rigor. Until 1990-when he left the extraction-Texaco had drilled over 400 wells, only in the Ecuadorian Amazon, drawing-not to mention the spills, almost twenty billion barrels, equivalent to 25 years around the current consumption oil and gas in Spain..ecuador_01Una of 'pools of oil "stranded in the region. The gas is still burning 24 hours a day since the well was opened. Source
It is very curious that, according to anthropological studies, a century before the invasion-Texaco, the Indians spoke of a black, viscous element flowed naturally from mother earth and had some energy efficiency and even medicinal. The first relationship as the Indian with the 'black gold' was moderately sustainable until the hand ... greedy and brutal and uncontrolled chemical extraction process, broke the harmony of the natural resource for sustainable development venom of these tribes and their environment.
Pipeline-1A 6_broken broken pipe, part of an abandoned facility, continues to emit toxic in a well of Shushufindi, Ecuador. Source.This aquifer smells like gasoline!
The great mistake of the former Texaco (bought by Chevron with all their 'charges' in 2001), prey to the greed of the pioneer and rejecting his responsibility as such, was to obviate the existing mining regulations (then quite forgiving but very clear) to use, for their benefit, the prospective methods Desert greedy maximize their investments. As were the first, they were exonerated and neglect under the guise of creating wealth in poor area. Way for the rapacity of the powerful.
ecuadoramazon12dt8Más than 900 outdoor swimming pools and waste 'produced water' have been abandoned by Chevron-Texaco after exhausting extractions. Source
In all fluids produced oil extraction associated or "formation water" in the process of separating water and oil gas before being pumped into the pipeline. These wastes are typically injected, returned and beyond where they were born, the depth of mother earth. In the Amazon, no, it was 'too expensive'. Texaco chose to do with these toxic water outdoor swimming pools for the 'smell' and enjoy the Amazonian Indian and its ecosystem. Nothing more and nothing less than more than 1,000 outdoor artificial pools, cultivated throughout the Ecuadorian Amazon and irrigated with water poisonous and which today are still open and pouring toxic to the atmosphere and adjacent aquifers through groundwater. See the photos.
In one scene from the documentary "Crude" by Joe Berlinger, one can see the Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa (pain in the ass of the giant Chevron), visiting a family affected by seepage from a pool of training to the water well Drinking: - This smells like gasoline! Naively exclaims the president.
7_crude_reflections_01Las facilities based on outdated technology and cheap, without any protection against sabotage and weather conditions.
These 'oil wetlands' were joined by the uncontrolled dumping of more than 57 million gallons of crude oil through leaking pipelines, burning more than 30,500 million cubic feet of gas whose combustion particles are removed directly the atmosphere and the 'plasticization' of Amazonian highways and roads of poor quality asphalt products and soluble rainfall and runoff, but above all, the most unworthy, is the lack of diligence in environmental policies responsible for all disaster recovery occurred..A full-scale genocide.
The first years of operation, the 'black gold' and bribery for indigenous hid the terrible depletion of both environmental and human resources. Those affected have lived with the disease and fear. Never, until now, organized to complain for fear that large mining companies cancel the meager aid sold as humanitarian consideration to the cruel exploitation. Even today, hundreds of 'wetlands' deceived, clean with nothing and unprotected pools of oil while the benefits of the giant bless and enjoy the rate of highest spontaneous abortions in America.
derrameUno of mangroves affected by one of 200 uncontrolled discharge of Lago Agrio. Ecuador. Source
Six ethnic groups have been decimated since Texaco broke into the Amazon: Cofan, Secoya, Huaorani, Siona, Quichua and Tetete.
The Tetete tribe, for example, has gone 'literally' off the map by the direct action of Texaco. This is not a leftist theory on the natural history of the last strongholds Indians. The direct cause of extinction was deforestation and discharges in the vicinity of Lago Agrio (your name gave it oil) because of the mechanisms used in drilling in an area lawless by the American multinational. Today this is suspiciously archidemostrado killing unpunished.
ecuadoramazon21hs3 How can you clean up a spill in the middle of the Amazon rainforest?. Best flight. Source
.Blame it on the Indians.
The multinational, potentate in resources, has created a complex and powerful lobby around the case. During these years of struggle, the various 'pearls' of his attorneys, representatives and officials of the company, and shows the 'official mind' of the empire of the harm caused, have poisoned the process and its reverberations in public opinion.
- "Oil does not cause cancer. Indigenous diseases are caused by poor hygiene. " Silvia Garrido. Chevron-Texaco lawyer, obviously one of the components of crude oil is benzene, a potent carcinogen.
- "No items found toxic finish Texaco accountable." Jaime Varela, representative of Chevron-Texaco in Ecuador, contradicting all the evidence at trial even by his own company.
- "I put on makeup every day, putting a form of 'oil' in the face. And I do not mean that you will get sick from it. " Silvia Garrido, a lawyer for Chevron-Texaco in a recent interview. No comments.
Chevron ProtestEl indigenous group to demand justice outside the courthouse that has been the case in Lago Agrio. March 2007. Source
- "We cleaned up the damage in Ecuador and we are not responsible"A mid 90's, Texaco paid about $ 40 million for alleged clean in exchange for the signing of Ecuadorian government needed to exempt them from future liabilities. The fraudulent 'remediation' was to be filled with sand and scrap some of the oil pits dismissing the purification of groundwater and the clearing and healing the sick. Later proved the forgery in the number of pools cleaned and assessments by the company to earn the signature of the government and thus the pardon. This resulted in a bitter legal battle between Texaco and the Ecuadorian State to the U.S. Federal Court. The litigation is still ongoing.
- "High levels of toxic chemicals are found naturally in the soil of the Amazon"Texaco pretends that levels of 40,000 mg / kg of barium in the land is on a 'natural'. Texaco manipulation exerted on data jacks official inspections is blatant and proven in many documents. Always trying to impose their 'ridiculous' protocols measured above the expert approved by government agencies. And, as in this case, touching the scariest ridiculous.
ecuadoramazon8zj5El cleaning process and 'remediation' Texaco has made land is filled with oily ponds site. This is the result. Source
- "Berlinger's documentary is filled with excitement, but little of facts [...] The main cause of health problems in eastern Ecuador, where is the oil industry that focuses the film, is the contamination of water but not for oil, if not for the lack of basic sanitation in the area where municipal drains flow untreated into rivers and streams of the region. "James Craig spokesman for Chevron-Texaco, on the documentary "Crude"
To remove many myths of the case 'Texaco' do not miss this interesting document.
.The increased demand of the story is also the largest legal fiasco in history.
Amazon pollution is the worst oil spills that occurred throughout history, with over 4,000 square miles affected. The level of toxins spilled into underground aquifers and Amazon is up to 30 times the discharges produced in Alaska from the Exxon Valdez. But the media impact has been far less because of the West Lobby calculated strategy to establish jurisprudence in this domain is not third world. The trial leads to delays, delays and without trial for over 20 years.
In 1993, shortly after the 'escape' of Texaco's Amazon, a small group of victims 'private', aided by two small U.S. law firms filed a lawsuit in federal court in New York, for damages caused to the environment environment and indigenous ethnic groups in the use of obsolete technology and cheap oil for their operations. 30,000 indigenous people and settlers joined the lawsuit in 1995 claiming more than 27,000 million dollars in compensation and stock resources to "clean up" the territory affected. American justice, in a landmark decision, ruled in 2002 sent the case to Ecuador ordering Chevron-Texaco to submit (with no period of limitation) to the Ecuadorian case, for being there most of the tests and evidence. Texaco leaders rubbed-a priori-known hands to infinitely better prepared in a legal battle against the justice of a country innocent 'third' world. Currently, and always covenient, deny an alleged fledgling justice could be ordered by simple 'popular pressure. "
8_crude_reflections_04Luz Maria Marin holds the head of her husband Angel Toala the day before his death from stomach cancer. Shushufindi, Ecuador. Source
About 200,000 and 62,000 pages of evidence from independent laboratories scientific analysis shows that the multinational has left to his own more than 900 ponds spilled waste and toxic and contaminated water voluntarily, which in turn has produced all kinds of injuries and illnesses in the indigenous population: cancers, abortions, leukemia, anemia, skin diseases, malnutrition .. etc. As demonstrated by prestigious independent reports, as the "Yana Curi" in the "London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine." All evidence points to one side but the process is becoming more 'sticky' and bogged down by bureaucratic maneuvers and clever deterrent demands of the 'powerful' defendants.
The shackles of legal organization of the multinational are calculated and orchestrated to the rhythm of the corners of his pyramid. The trial is becoming a media circus to win the favor of political opinion-not-public economic authorities and exerting a harmful and illegal power on the court and the judicial process. Only time that lead to impunity and biased judgments demonstrates the effectiveness of their calculated strategy.
Documentary about the struggle of native against pollution and the multinational Texaco (now Chevron)
One of the facts that demonstrate the "legal language" that has been used Texaco-Chevron was one of the famous inspections ordered by the court, at the oil installations of the former Texaco in glove, Sucumbios back in October 2005. One night before the inspection occurred, Texaco's lawyers presented the judge's alleged "military report" that claimed an imminent attack to stop the ethnic Cofán inspection and hostage taking Texaco executives. The judge was swallowed and canceled the inspection. An investigation of Ecuadorian Defense Ministry showed that the lawyers lied and manipulated to achieve the suspension report. Whatever. The challenge ended with the hiring of a powerful new legal team ready to bungle the process again.
In the spring of 2008, events took a disturbing turn. A group of experts engaged in private-Chevron recommended immediate payment of between 8 and 16 billion dollars to clean the area, and avoid harmful verdict more likely. Rumors spread like wildfire and forced the directors to inform and reassure shareholders. It was a simple study of inner confidence.
But the imperialist tricks do not end there. During the Bush administration, the board of Chevron tried to convince the government to take measures related to trade with the Ecuadorian economy if not stopped the process. The spokesman for the U.S. Trade Office Susan Schwab, confirmed they were considering the request. Fortunately, with the advent of Obama, the guidelines have been clear. The bulk of the process depends on the Ecuadorian courts.
equipment operator ecuador_17Un indigenous firms, shows what happens to reporters when immersed one hand in one of the abandoned ponds.
On June 30, 2009 was the first of the judgments that guide the process to legal logic. The U.S. Supreme Court denied the appeal in which Texaco was attempting to challenge the decision as final, a judge denied the transfer of responsibilities for Texaco to Petroecuador for damage caused in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The process continues.
"Having already for sentencing?. I doubt it
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